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Melon diet for weight loss: is it possible to lose weight with the melon?

The melon is a delicious and healthy fruit, which is often used as a means to combat excess weight.

Is it possible to lose weight with the help of melon

Yes, it will not be difficult to do it, if you adhere to certain principles. The relative of cucumbers and pumpkin has many advantages:

Melon Diet

  1. A huge amount of water in the composition.
  2. A lot of vegetable fiber.
  3. Various vitamins, macro-, microelements, fatty acids.
  4. The caloric value is not high and amounts to 30-38 kcal, depending on the specific type of melon and its degree of maturity.

At the same time, the fruit grows in many areas and can be used fresh and processed. The main advantages of the melon diet are as follows:

  1. High efficiency (reviews indicate that you can lose from 3 to 10 kilograms in a week of eating melon).
  2. Immediate result, which is noticeable after two days.
  3. Good tolerance of melon, which is delicious, so the person will not have a feeling of hunger.
  4. Ability to avoid errors and negative consequences in the form of failure of certain organs.
  5. Regular functioning of the intestines (melon has a mild laxative effect and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, while protein diets are the cause of constipation).
  6. Active breakdown of fats due to the fact that the fruit contains an impressive amount of acids of organic origin, fiber and lack of oils, all this leads to a change in metabolic processes in the body).

In this regard, almost everyone can sit on the melon diet, subject to certain conditions.

The principles of the melon diet

The essence of this regime is that you need to eat a large amount of melon - up to several kilograms per day. In some variants of the menu, it can be eaten with other products, but the melon still remains the basis. It is important to follow some simple rules:

  1. The melon must be chosen correctly, i.e. ripe, whole and not rotten.
  2. It must be eaten in portions, i.e. in small quantities at regular intervals.
  3. It should not be combined with other products, at least half an hour should pass between their intake.

These are not all principles of the melon diet, but they are the main ones.

Benefits and harms of the diet

It is advisable to start losing weight at the end of August or the beginning of September, because this is the time when the melon crop is available and really useful (at other times it may contain harmful and even dangerous nitrates). The benefit of the diet itself is its effectiveness and the ability to saturate the body with an impressive set of useful substances. That is, the body will not suffer from starvation, and your well-being will only improve.

Benefits and Harms of Melon Diet

Another useful direction of the melon diet is that this product promotes the production of certain hormones, which allow you to easily survive the fall depression. And the large amount of vitamins in the composition will allow you to prepare for the winter season and prevent colds and flu. A significant advantage of this style of eating is that it allows you to eat raw and dried melon, which preserves all the nutrients. Another option is to eat frozen fruit, which is stored in the freezer for up to 1 year.

The melon is characterized by a diuretic effect, so it perfectly copes with the cleansing of the kidneys and immediately removes all the fluid and fat reserves from the body; this is its effect during weight loss. With a competent approach, you can lose excess weight and even bring the body volume back to normal. The laxative effect of melon contributes to improving the state of the gastrointestinal tract, along with the removal of toxins.

Regular consumption of melon promotes the launch of hematopoiesis processes, increasing hemoglobin levels, strengthening the heart and blood vessels. Because of its beneficial composition, melon activates the immune system and stabilizes the emotional background, as it is a powerful aphrodisiac. In general, melon diet is quite tough because of the limited set of foodstuffs that can be eaten. But for those who love sweets, it will be a great option. In addition, this vegetable is versatile: you can eat it as a mono-product and feel satiated.

During a prolonged melon diet, the body will naturally begin to break down fats. The urinary system will be deeply cleansed, and there will be fewer toxins in the body. It is possible to prevent atherosclerosis. Taking into account the fact that melon has a diuretic effect, it is not recommended to eat it before going to bed.

How long can you sit on the melon diet

The minimum period of time during which you should follow the melon diet is 3 days. The maximum period is a week. If the diet is introduced for a shorter period, the effect will not be expected. If it will be longer, you can get health problems.

How to choose a melon for the diet

On what is the quality of the main product, depends on the final result of shedding excess weight. It is recommended to exclude eating fruits that are not mature enough, as they can provoke an upset gastrointestinal tract. You can determine how ripe the fruit is on the basis of the pronounced flavor: the more tangible it is, the sweeter the fruit will be. A second sign of ripeness is the characteristic sound when tapping, which should be slightly muffled, i.e. no ringing should be observed.

The absence of any cracks, dents or spots on the surface is also important. These lead to a deterioration in the taste characteristics of the fruit, and may also be a sign of rotting processes in it. In the place where the flower is located, the rind should be softer, which also indicates maturity. If there is a large number of veins on it, this also indicates sweetness.

During the "melon course", it is recommended to choose different varieties of this fruit, because with this approach, the diet will be richer and richer.

Melon diet menu

There are several variants of the melon diet, each of them has its own purpose and benefits.

Melon diet menu

Mono diet for 3 days

This method is ideal for those who need to get instant results. You should eat up to 1.5 kilograms of juicy melons per day, dividing this amount into 4-5 meals. Eat at equal intervals. You can drink unlimited amounts of water, as well as tea and rosehip decoction. You will lose up to 1 kg of weight per day.

Combined three-day diet.

This option helps to shed excess weight, as well as to cleanse the body of accumulated "dirt" and improve intestinal function. Since the ration in this case will include proteins and fats, the menu will become rich and varied.

  1. On the first day, 450 grams of the main product is eaten for breakfast. For lunch, you should eat a medium portion of melon and apple salad, as well as a small amount of tea without sugar. At lunch, you can add some cheese to the melon, and for dinner, kiwi or 0% cottage cheese.
  2. On the second day, some ripe flesh of the main product is consumed for breakfast in the amount of 450 g, for afternoon snack - melon and kiwi salad. Lunch includes a slice of black bread and cheese. For afternoon snack - melon, for dinner - vegetable salad.
  3. On the third day, breakfast and lunch are repeated, lunch consists of buckwheat groats (unsalted) and melon, dinner consists of green tea and melon, as well as a small amount of vegetable salad.

It is best to stick to exactly this sequence, otherwise there is a risk of not getting the desired effect.

Video: Dietitian Kovalkov about loading days on melon Expand

Cleansing three-day diet

With this diet, you can remove excess weight and get rid of gastrointestinal problems, adjust metabolic processes, improve hormonal background. For breakfast and dinner you should necessarily eat 300-400 grams of melon flesh, and for lunch you can have vegetable soup and even some lean meat in a boiled form. As a snack you can use unsweetened tea, herbal decoction, rosehip infusion.

Weekly diet

Such a diet, though rather long, is considered balanced and as rational as possible. It is based on the consumption of lean protein, which is accompanied by a huge amount of fruits and vegetables. A sample menu can be presented as follows.

  1. On Monday, brown rice with soy sauce and a small amount of berry infusion is eaten for breakfast. For lunch - kiwi, for the next meal - vegetable salad. Only for noon and dinner should you eat melon pulp.
  2. On Tuesday, breakfast includes eggs and buckwheat in boiled form, lunch - chicken broth, dinner - mashed potatoes with a small amount of melon.
  3. On Wednesday, the first meal consists of rice and an egg, the second consists of beet salad, and the third consists of compote and melon. For dinner, you can eat some boiled beef and, of course, a melon.
  4. On the fourth day of the diet, breakfast can consist of oatmeal with raisins, lunch - from vinaigrette and chicken fillet. You can also make a smoothie with melon. As a dinner, steamed vegetables with kefir.
  5. On the fifth day, pearl porridge and boiled eggs will do for breakfast, for lunch - fruit infusion and boiled chicken, for the last meal - mashed apple and melon.
  6. On Saturday you can keep the same dishes, but add to your diet rye-cream, fish and potatoes.
  7. On Sunday, the basis of the diet should be baked apples and pumpkin.

You can drink liquids in any quantity, as long as they are sugar-free.

For 10 days

If you want to lose weight for 10 days, you can repeat the weekly menu and for the remaining three days you can repeat your favorite diet from the previous days. It may also include grapefruit, cottage cheese, nuts, and avocados.

Possible contraindications

Despite the fact that the diet under consideration is relatively useful and gentle, it is not suitable for all people. There are several conditions under which the abuse of melon can turn into colossal harm:

Possible contraindications to melon diet

  1. Diabetes mellitus (because of its high carbohydrate content, the fruit should not be eaten by people who have problems with insulin production).
  2. Individual intolerance to the components that make up the fruit.
  3. Breastfeeding a child, which can provoke an allergic reaction.
  4. The course of diseases of an infectious nature, especially in the gastrointestinal area.
  5. Disorders of the liver and kidneys.

In any case, before sitting down to such a diet, it is worth to consult with your doctor. Such an approach will help to avoid possible health problems later on.

What results can be achieved on the melon diet

Practice shows that by following such a diet, you can lose 1-2 kilograms per day, depending on the initial weight and the degree of severity of the diet.

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